

We know that scientists have divided all animals into two main groups. We also know that animals which have a backone are vertebrates animals, and animals which don't have a backbone are invertebrates.

There are many more invertebrates than vertebrates on Earth. Invertebrates all share one characteristic: they don't have a backbone or an internal skeleton. Most invertebrates lay eggs. Invertebrates can be classified into six groups: arthropods, molluscs, sponges, cnidarians, echinoderms and annelids.


Have you ever explored a tide pool while at the beach?

Wow, what are all those weird creatures? Dod you recognize the arms with the suckers? How about the purple spiny things? Ever see a seashell scoot around like that? Tide pools are fascinating places to study science.
A majority of the animals you see in a tide pool are classed as vertebrates, which means they lack backbones.

Animal nutrition
Unlike plants, animals can't make their own food. This is because animal cells don't have choroplats which contain chlorophyll.
Animals process food in many diferent ways: sponges, intestinal parasites, cnidarians, ruminants.

Animal respiration
All animals need to take in oxygen to get energy from food. Different animals have different methods of obtaining oxygen. Waste gases are expelled from the body. The exchange of gases inside the body is called respiration.
Mammals: lungs.
Fish: gills.
Amphibians: gills.
Insects: trachea.

Animals reproduction
Most animals reproduce through sexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction two individuals are needed, a male and a female. We can classify animals into two groups by studying how their young are born. Animals that are born from eggs are oviparous, and animals that develop inside their mother are viviparous.

What are animals adaptations?
Life is a struggle for survival. In order to protect themselves and to get food, animals have to adapt to their environment. Some adaptations are physical. The frog's webbed feet help it to swim, and the eagle's hooded beak is perfect for tearing meat. Other adaptations are adaptations of behaviour: camouflage, symbiosis, mimicry.

The Science Investigators
Hedgehogs have existed for about fifteen million years. A hedgehod feeds mainly on small invertebrates. In winter, it's difficult to find enough food, so the hedgehod needs to hibernate. Hibernation is a type of adaptation.
A hedgehog is immobile when it's hibernating, so it needs to protect itself. If an animal disturbs a hedgehog, a reflex action makes it roll into a ball.


What is the Plant Kingdom 
Take a look out your window. You can find plants almost anywhere. High on the top of mountains, under the oceans, in freshwater lakes, rivers and ponds, in dark shady places, and in dry sunny places. Plants have been on Earth for millions of years and there are hundreds of thousands of different kinds. They are all considered part of the plant kingdom. 




Why Are Plants So Important?

Almost all living things depend on plants in order to survive. Animals depend on plants for their sugars, as well as their production of oxygen to breathe.
Plants go through a process of photosynthesis, which is when plants use sunlight to help them produce food (sugar) and oxygen. This process is cyclical, or a never ending process, so there is always food and oxygen being made.
Animals can't get their food directly from the sunlight as plants can, so they rely on plants (or other animals who have eaten plants) to get the sugars and nutrients for survival.





Categories of the Plant Kingdom

All plants are part of the plant kingdom. They then get broken down into smaller groups based on characteristics like size, how they reproduce and make new baby plants, and if water and nutrients (food) can travel throughout the plant.
In the plant kingdom, plants are broken into two groups, vascular and non-vascular.


Characteristics of All Plants

  • Plants make their own food through photosynthesis.
  • Plants don't move from place to place.
  • Plants react to light, temperature and water
  • Plants have chlorophyll, which is what makes leaves green and which is also needed for photosynthesis to take place.
  • Plant walls (the outside of plants) are made out of a special material called cellulose.